The paper investigates the legal nature of inheritance as an object of civil rights. The purpose of the paper is to identify the legal nature and constitutive features of permanent inheritance as an object of civil rights. The basis of any methodology consists of such interrelated elements as the research object, its subject and purpose. They influence the choice of research methods; they depend on the validity of the results. The object of research is inheritance as an object of civil rights, the subject is its special kind, which can be notionally named permanent inheritance. This necessitates the use of specific methodological approaches, which will reveal the distinctive features of the permanent inheritance and the specificity of this object, including such methods of research as dogmatic, formal-logical, systematic, comparative law. Inheritance is described as a set of subjective rights and legal obligations of a deceased person, which passes to their legal successors – heirs. The universal nature of hereditary succession, both primary and derivative, is investigated. Assets and liabilities of inheritance were identified. The term "permanent inheritance" is introduced into the scientific circulation, its essence, specific features and varieties are characterized