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  • Pilkov, Kostiantyn; Пільков, Костянтин Миколайович (ASA, 2012-12)
    Arbitration practitioners often put Ukraine below the average ranking of countries in terms of recognition of arbitration. Ukraine’s image of a not entirely arbitration-friendly jurisdiction is “promoted” with common thought ...
  • Pilkov, Kostiantyn; Пільков, Костянтин Миколайович (Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage, 2012-12)
    Arbitration practitioners often put Ukraine below the average ranking of countries in terms of recognition of arbitration. Ukraine’s image of a not entirely arbitration-friendly jurisdiction is “promoted” with common thought ...
  • Batyhina, Olena; Батигіна, Олена Михайлівна; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Kadala, Vitalii; Кадала, Віталій Віталійович (Warsaw: ALUNA Publishing House, 2020)
    The aim: The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of recreational lands on human health and determine the priority forms of their use and protection. Materials and methods: International acts, data of international ...
  • Sishchuk, Liliana (Katowice, 2016)
    The article has analyzed conditions of alienation of a share in the authorized capital of an LLC under the contract of sale. It has examined basic rights and obligations of a member of a company who is alienating a share ...
  • Пільков, Костянтин Миколайович; Pilkov, Kostiantyn (Access to Justice in Eastern Europe, 2022-08-31)
    The reopening of domestic criminal, civil, and administrative proceedings following European Court of Human Rights findings of a violation of the ECHR is an extraordinary remedy; its application is debatable in the Contracting ...
  • Sishchuk, Liliana (Iwano-Frankowsk, 2017)
    W książkie postawiono za cel omówienie szeregu stosunków, związanych z uregulowaniem stosunków prawno-handlowych, jak i wyjaśnienie zespołu stosunków o prawnym charakterze, relatywnie związanych z handlowymi, tj. inwestycyjnych, ...
  • Sishchuk, Liliana Vasylivna (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019)
    The publication is intended for lawyers, managers and participants of business companies, heads of enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity, investors, teachers, students, as well as those who are interested in ...
  • Пільков, Костянтин Миколайович (Аналітично-порівняльне правознавство, 2021-12)
    Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми еволюції доктрини res judicata у багатокомпонентне вчення, яке має різне наповнення у різних правових системах світу, а також проблем відмежування цієї доктрини від інших доктрин, які ...
  • Пільков, Костянтин Миколайович (Ужгородський Національний Університет, 2022-07)
    Стаття присвячена розмежуванню понять res judicata, остаточності та законної сили судового рішення, які часто вживаються у юридичній літературі та судовій практиці як взаємозамінні категорії, іноді як складові одне одного, ...
  • Kochyn, Volodymyr (2023)
    The purpose of the article is to outline the research methodology of the legal regulation of economic relations in the conditions of privatization and European integration, in particular, the choice of a strategy of cognitive ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Duliba, Yevheniia; Didkivska, Galyna; Maliarova, Valeriia; Kostenko, Maryna; Hrytsai, Serhii; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Allied Business Academies, 2021-03-13)
    The article provides insights on the current mechanisms for regulating relations in the field of global health and international interaction in the world, holding the States of the world internationally responsible for ...
  • Sishchuk, Liliana; Сіщук, Ліліана Василівна (Київ, 2021)
    The purpose of the article is to substantiate the legality of the squeeze-out procedure given legal opinions about the constitutionality of regulations on the compulsory sale of the shares of minority shareholders and the ...
  • Пільков, Костянтин Миколайович (2023-05-01)
    Traditionally, in civil law jurisdictions the court's power to intervene into decisions of other decisionmakers, e.g. lower courts or administrative agencies, is based on statutory provisions determining the type of decisions ...
  • Попович, Тетяна Григорівна; Popovych, Tetiana G. (Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва імені академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака Національної академії правових наук України, 2022)
    In order to ensure the development of social relations in the economic and related spheres of social life in the conditions of increasing threats to social well-being and the transition to a modern one that meets international ...
  • Popovych, Tetiana G. (SWorld, 2014-05)
    The this paper examines the relationship between the private and public in the regulation of relations on consumer protection with the help standardizing separately analyzed the place and role of standardization and its ...
  • Selikhov, Dmytro; Селіхов, Дмитро Анатолійович; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Armash, Nadiia; Армаш, Надія Олексіївна; Severinova, Oleksandra; Северінова, Олександра Борисівна; Orlova, Iryna; Орлова, Ірина Миколаївна (New York: American Linguist Association, 2021)
    The article analyses the process of evolution of land reclamation legislation in general and land reclamation credit in particular of the Russian Empire of the late XIX – early XX centuries. This period of Ukrainian history ...
  • Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Rozhenko, Oleksandra; Роженко, Олександра Вікторівна; Khailova, Tetyana; Хайлова, Тетяна Володимирівна; Hrudnytskyi, Vasyl; Грудницький, Василь Миколайович; Podskrebko, Oleksandr; Подскребко, Олександр Сергійович (Dnipro: Natsionalnyi Hirnychyi Universytet, 2021)
    Purpose. Justification of the methodological approach to the strategic management of reserves for the growth of economic security of enterprises and the provision of appropriate recommendations for this purpose (by the ...
  • Давидова, Наталія Олександрівна; Davydova, Nataliya O. (The Asian International Journal of Life Sciences, 2019)
    This article focuses upon the comparative analysis of student academic freedom in Ukraine and the USA. Academic freedom in the USA is an ideological expression rather that a legal right. It is not secured in the Constitution ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Popovych, Tetiana; Matviichuk, Andrii; Tokunova, Anastasiia; Syvytskyi, Vladyslav; Chudyk, Nataliіa; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (2023-08-27)
    The authors characterized the issue of ensuring access to water resources, their rational use and restoration as an element of state policy aimed at balancing the interests of individual citizens, businesses and the state. ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Valihura, Volodymyr; Slatvinska, Maryna; Bryndak, Valentyna; Gutsul, Inna; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-22)
    The introduction of martial law, due to the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, has had a major economic effect on Ukraine. This article argues that it created a need to improve the tax policy to take into account ...

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