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dc.contributor.author Попович, Тетяна Григорівна
dc.date.accessioned 2022-08-10T09:02:32Z
dc.date.available 2022-08-10T09:02:32Z
dc.date.issued 2018-12-28
dc.identifier.citation Попович Т. Г. Стандартизація як засіб регулювання господарської діяльності : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.04 / Попович Тетяна Григорівна. Київ, 2018. 20 с. uk_UA
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.ndippp.gov.ua/handle/765432198/427
dc.description.abstract Дисертація є одним із перших в Україні досліджень стандартизації з позицій наукознавчого аналізу становлення господарського права в Україні і світі та можливостей застосування стандартизації як універсального засобу регулювання господарської діяльності. Міждисциплінарний підхід з використанням сучасних методів наукового пізнання суспільних явищ та процесів, досягнень господарського права надав можливість позбавитись односторонності при аналізі об’єкта та врахувати всі істотні аспекти впливу стандартизації на господарську діяльність та її здатність регулювати суміжні відносини, що породжуються господарською діяльністю. У результаті дослідження автором сформульовано та обґрунтовано низку положень, висновків та пропозицій, яким властиві елементи наукової новизни. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The dissertation is one of the first in Ukraine standardization studies from the standpoint of science-based analysis of the formation of economic law in Ukraine and the world and the possibilities of applying standardization as a universal means of regulation of economic activity. The research was conducted in conjunction with the use of modern methods of scientific knowledge and comparative studies and advances of commercial law, allowing to get rid of unilateralism in the study of the object, but also takes into account all significant (important) aspects and relations on economic activity, seen through the prism of standardization its importance for this activity and its impact on the relationship that gives rise to such activities. The study author formulated and proved a number of provisions, conclusions and suggestions, which have elements of scientific innovation. The paper defines that standardization is an activity carried out through the actions of economic entities, state (its bodies) and other stakeholders to achieve the optimal combination of market self-regulation and government regulation to protect the economic and security interests of the state, society and individual consumers by establishing (as a manifestation of the static state) and application (as a manifestation of the dynamic state) provisions for general and repeated use of existing or potential tasks. The author proved that standardization as a means (instrument) regulation of economic relations has universal application, since its requirements: a) influencing all economic relations; b) create conditions for their emergence and implementation; c) provide the opportunity to translate social (extra-legal) standards in the legal field; d) in the case of non-compliance or failure is the basis for the emergence of legal protection. It has been proved that standardization has two components: technical and security. The technical component provides the activities of the business entity for the manufacture of goods and / or the provision of services of the appropriate quality. Security - creates conditions that entity to take into account the public interest and / or individual, but also ensures the safety of the environment, state and / or end users. The author carried out the classification of subjects of standardization in economic law from the point of view of their participation in processes or activities of standardization, regardless of the form of ownership and their belonging to different categories (types) of legal (physical) persons: 1) entities that create standards or other requirements of standardization; 2) entities engaged in economic activities using standards or other standardization requirements; 3) subjects confirming the conformity of goods (services) to standards or other requirements of standardization; 4) entities that monitor compliance with standards or other standardization requirements. The correlation between the concepts of "standardization" and "technical regulation" (as activity) is established as ancestral and specific concept respectively. The concept of "technical norm" is improved, which, in contrast to the position on its technical (extra-legal) nature, equates to a mandatory rule of conduct in a society that is objectively determined by the level of technology and is used in industry for the maintenance and use of natural objects or artificial origin in order to meet the needs of man and / or the interests of society. Improved economic situation of absolute liability in standardization by defining its view of security relations, arising out of violations of the legally defined and / or contracting, including the stated requirements for goods and / or services. Developed the position that the conformity assessment procedure will depend on the subjects of 17 standardization, so it should be defined as optional (additional) activity on standardization, which can finish the right or create the conditions for the liability for business economic activity. Generalization of global trends and systematization of approaches to standardization as a means of regulating economic activity in different countries provided an opportunity to develop practical recommendations for: the need to reduce the volume of state regulation of economic activity with the maximum application of self-regulation in the formation and application of standardization requirements; creation of conditions and legislative grounds for the application of external control over the implementation of economic activities with the application of security standardization requirements; improvement of the quality of goods (services) by introducing as requirements of standardization of scientific and technical achievements that were used (tested) for more than four years. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk_UA uk_UA
dc.publisher Науково-дослідний інститут приватного права і підприємництва імені академіка Ф. Г. Бурчака Національної академії правових наук України uk_UA
dc.subject стандартизація uk_UA
dc.subject технічне регулювання uk_UA
dc.subject технічні норми uk_UA
dc.subject засіб регулювання господарської діяльності uk_UA
dc.subject склад господарського правопорушення uk_UA
dc.subject технічні бар’єри у торгівлі uk_UA
dc.subject стандарти ISO uk_UA
dc.subject європейські стандарти uk_UA
dc.subject standardization uk_UA
dc.subject technical regulation (as activity) uk_UA
dc.subject technical norms uk_UA
dc.subject regulation of economic activity uk_UA
dc.subject composition of economic legal violations uk_UA
dc.subject technical barriers to trade uk_UA
dc.subject ISO standards uk_UA
dc.subject European standards uk_UA
dc.title Стандартизація як засіб регулювання господарської діяльності uk_UA
dc.type Abstract uk_UA
dc.identifier.udc 346.544.42:340.5:339.9.012.23

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