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  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Valihura, Volodymyr; Slatvinska, Maryna; Bryndak, Valentyna; Gutsul, Inna; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-22)
    The introduction of martial law, due to the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, has had a major economic effect on Ukraine. This article argues that it created a need to improve the tax policy to take into account ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Korol, Volodymyr; Nebyltsova, Oksana; Burylo, Yurii; Pryianchuk, Igor; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Institute of Political Studies and Public Law “Dr. Humberto J. La Roche ”(IEPDP) of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the University of Zulia, 2023-07-17)
    The purpose of the article was to reveal the conditions and consequences of key developments in the Ukrainian tax legislation, with respect to charitable donations by residents and non-residents ...
  • HALIANTYCH, MYKOLA K.; SHABALIN, ANDRII V.; POZHODZHUK, ROMAN V.; SHTEFAN, OLENA O. (Rushing Water Publishers Ltd., 2020-06-27)
    This scientific article focuses on the establishment and development of a system of legal protection of intellectual property rights in Europe and the United States of America. It is pointed out that the first foundations ...
  • BOBRYK, VOLODYMYR I.; MAKHINCHUK, VITALII M.; CHERNENKO, OLENA A.; REZNIK, HANNA O. (Rushing Water Publishers Ltd., 2020-06-27)
    Civil justice has an ontological link to the exercise of the judiciary through the administration of justice, the scientific and legal analysis of which is based on the research outlined in this paper. Functional and ...
  • Кочин, Володимир Володимирович (2016)
    Article analyses legal literature and normative legal acts and makes conclusions about the concept and features of non-entrepreneurial societies. Non-entrepreneurial society is defined as legal entity of private law, created ...
  • Popovych, Tetiana; Derevyanko, Bohdan; Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Попович, Тетяна Григорівна; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (ТОВ «Юрінком Інтер», 2023-11-13)
    As a general rule, to satisfy their own interests and protect their rights, the consumer of security services has the right to apply a contractual (prescribed in the contract on the provision of security services) or ...
  • Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Туркот, Ольга Андріївна; Turkot, Olha (Київ: НДІППП імені академіка Ф.Г. Бурчака НАПрН України, 2021)
    Based on the analysis of the available information on the legal relations between various legal subjects of Ancient Rome, the purpose of the research is to prove the absence or presence of corporate relations and determine ...
  • Кочин, Володимир Володимирович (2021)
  • Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan (Sandomierz: Humanities and Natural Sciences University in Sandomierz, 2017)
    У тезах доповіді зазначено, що термін «дуалізм приватного права» є застарілим і хибним поняттям, а тому є шкідливим при застосуванні. Усі сучасні нападки на Господарський кодекс України під гаслом «нас Європа не зрозуміє, ...
  • Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Захарченко, Андрій Миколайович; Zakharchenko, Andrii (Київ: НДІППП імені академіка Ф.Г. Бурчака НАПрН України, 2021)
    Abstract. Purpose. The article substantiates proposals for changes in the legal status of credit unions based on the analysis of the provisions of the Ukrainian legislation on credit unions and the practice of their ...
  • Dzhumageldiyeva, Gulnara; Джумагельдієва, Гульнара Джумадурдиївна; Serebriakova, Yuliia; Серебрякова, Юлія Олександрівна; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Zubatenko, Olena; Зубатенко, Олена Миколаївна; Selikhov, Dmytro; Селіхов, Дмитро Анатолійович (Rome: European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2021)
    The article discusses the implementation of the principle of equal rights in the context of the COVID19 pandemic in Ukraine. The peculiarities of applying this principle in relation to human rights and the rights of companies ...
    The article is devoted to the topic relevant in the context of the development of civil society institutions and digitalization. The social focus of the digital economy (DE) involves taking into account the interests not ...
  • Запорожченко, Аркадій Віталійович; Zaporozhchenko, Arkadii (Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law, 2022)
    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to confirm the hypothesis of the existence of a prospective effect of the plea agreement at the discretion of the judge and the arbitration agreement at the discretion of the arbitrator. ...
  • Давидова, Наталія Олександрівна; Davydova, Nataliya O. (2021)
    This article is dedicated to a theoretical and legal study of the concept of "the right to respect for family life". It is based on legal analysis of Ukrainian legislation and the case law of the European Court of Human ...
  • Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Turenko, Oleh; Туренко, Олег Станіславович; Ivanov, Ivan; Іванов, Іван Володимирович; Hrudnytskyi, Vasyl; Грудницький, Василь Миколайович; Rudenko, Liudmyla; Руденко, Людмила Дмитрівна (Romania, Dolj County: University of Craiova, 2020)
    The manuscript explores the historical conditionality of the state – its essence and primary features in the doctrine of J. Ortega y Gasset. In his interpretation, the state is a metaphysical phenomenon, an imaginary potency ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Sergiienko, Nataliia; Suslin, Serhii; Pyrohovska, Vira; Maliarchuk, Liubov; Snidevych, Oleksandr; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (UNIV ADELAIDE, 2024-06-27)
    The purpose of the article is to develop proposals for improving the functioning of the Unified State Register of Court Decisions on the basis of a study of the legal regulation of the work of this register under the ...
  • Yasynska, Nadiia; Ясинська, Надія Альбертівна; Syrmamiikh, Iryna; Сирмаміїх, Ірина Вікторівна; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Nikolenko, Liudmyla; Ніколенко, Людмила Миколаївна; Katrych, Anastasiya; Катрич, Анастасія Вʼячеславівна (Dnipro: Natsionalnyi Hirnychyi Universytet, 2022)
    Purpose. To determine the level of development of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine in accordance with global trends of its transformation from the concept of “Industry 4.0” to the capitalism of stakeholders. Methodology. ...
  • Ukraine 
    Кочин, Володимир Володимирович; Marusiak, Oleksandr; Panasyuk, Sergiy; Kochyn, Volodymyr (2023)
    In Ukraine, 2022 will be remembered asthe year of national martial law followingunprovoked Russian aggression againstUkraine since February 24th. This conflictsignificantly impacted all public administra-tion and constitutional ...
  • Ukraine 
    Marusiak, Oleksandr; Panasyuk, Sergiy; Kochyn, Volodymyr; Кочин, Володимир Володимирович (2024)
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Batryn, Olesia; Zhuravlov, Dmitro; Predmestnikov, Oleg; Knysh, Serhii; Knysh, Zoryana; Shirshikova, Ruslana; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (UNIV ADELAIDE, 2024-01-24)
    The article is focused on the analysis of the unity of law-enforcement approaches for resolving medical disputes and their significance for a single medical space formation. A great influence of case-law on the health care ...

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