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  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Avramova, Olga; Batryn, Olesia; Predmestnikov, Oleh; Yatskovyna, Vitalii; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (ALUNA Publishing, 2024-01-24)
    ABSTRACT Aim: To identify the impact of meeting the housing needs on human health, which must be taken into account when developing the health care policy for the country’s population. Materials and Methods: The system ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Kovalchuk, Olha; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович; Ковальчук, Ольга Ярославівна (Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка, 2023-02-08)
    The article comprehensively investigates the information and legal challenges faced by the justice system when making effective decisions, and proposes conceptual foundations for developing reliable information support for ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Myronova, Galyna; Olesia, Batryn; Milevska, Alona; Meniv, Liubov; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (University of Zulia, 2023-10-13)
    The development of legal science in Ukraine is connected with the processes of reform of society oriented to European values and standards of human rights. The most important among them are life and human health, which ...
  • PRYMAK, VOLODYMYR D. (Rushing Water Publishers Ltd., 2020-06-27)
    The article establishes the interrelation of international and national, natural and private law, human rights and civil (personal non-proprietary and proprietary) rights in the context of interaction and specificity of ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Frolova, Olena; Demchenko, Ivan; Batryn, Olesia; Pravotorova, Olga; Lien, Tetiana; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Kuwait Scientific Society, 2024-02-29)
    Background: When harmonizing the criminal legislation of Ukraine and the EU and implementing it into the criminal legislation of Ukraine, international legal guidelines (standards) must be taken into account. Aim & ...
  • Сіщук, Ліліана Василівна (НДІ приватного права і підприємництва імені акад. Ф. Г. Бурчака НАПрН України, 2024-10)
    Засновникам при внесенні вкладу до статутного капіталу товариства у формі IT-продукту доцільно приймати рішення з наступних питань: 1) до якої групи обʼєктів інтелектуальної власності віднести інтелектуальний продукт і ...
  • Derewianko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan (Przemyśl: Nauka i Studia, 2012)
    W artykule naukowym przedstawiono pozytywne momenty prawnej regulacji świadczenia usług oświatowych w Japonii, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w ramach udoskonalenia prawa ukraińskiego. Między innymi, określono kierunki ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Onishchenko, Nataliia; Bila, Viktoriia; Chechil, Yurii; Kostenko, Maryna; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Universidade Católica de Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2023-06-10)
    The purpose of this study is to analyze existing judicial and extrajudicial methods of applying to compensate for damages caused by armed conflicts on the example of Ukrainian legislation. The ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Myronova, Galyna; Batryn, Olesia; Udrenas, Galina; Makhmurova-Dyshliuk, Olena; Yatskovyna, Vitalii; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (FACMED - Faculty of Medical and Law Sciences (Brazil), 2023-09-12)
    Abstract Objective: The purpose is define the perspective legal models for the formation of powerful healthcare sector in Ukraine capable to ensure timely provision of socially significant medical services in terms of the ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Ustymenko, Volodymyr; Zeldina, Olena; Herasymenko, Nataliia; Batryn, Olesia; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Universidad del Zulia, 2022-12-23)
    The purpose of the article is to identify the legal instruments that can be used to solve the socio-economic problems of post-conflict Ukraine based on the analysis of international experience. The research methods used ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Myronova, Galyna; Batryn, Olesia; Bodnar-Petrovska, Olha; Andriienko, Iryna; Fedorenko, Tetiana; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Agency of Medical Information of the Georgian Association of Business Press, 2024-01-27)
    Aim: The purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of the Ukrainian doctrine regarding the legal nature of medical services and areas for improving legal regulation. Materials and methods: The research is based ...
  • Покальчук, Оксана Юріївна; Pokalchuk, Oksana (Art and Science, 2021-09)
    The possibilities of modern medicine pose new challenges to the law. The emergence of new forms of social relations in terms of content requires the law to respond with appropriate legal constructions. Mitochondrial heredity ...
  • Теремецький, Владислав Іванович; Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Ustymenko, Volodymyr; Kurepina, Olena; Nemyrovska, Oksana; Poltavskyy, Oleg; Dovhan, Viktor (Creative Publishing House, 2024-08-30)
    The article examines the role of e-commerce and commercial representation in the context of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The theoretical and legal characterization of electronic commerce and e-business in Ukraine ...
  • Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович; Derevyanko, Bogdan (Київ: НДІППП імені академіка Ф.Г. Бурчака НАПрН України, 2022)
    Abstract. Purpose. The paper aims to study some aspects of the legal regulation of relations with cryptocurrency in Ukraine and the EU and suggest improvements for Ukrainian legislation on virtual assets. Research methods. ...
  • Sishchuk, Liliana; Zozuliak, Olha; Vintoniak, Natalia; Kovalyshyn, Oleksandr; Oliynyk, Oksana (Social & Legal Studios, 2024)
    The importance of studying this topic lies in the fact that in the context of social change and globalisation, which are taking place at this stage of societyʼs development, the role of inheritance remains significant. The ...
  • Olha Zozuliak, Liliana Sishchuk, Natalia Vintoniak, Oleksandr Kovalyshyn, Oksana Oliynyk (Social and Legal Studios, 2024)
    The importance of studying this topic lies in the fact that in the context of social change and globalisation, which are taking place at this stage of societyʼs development, the role of inheritance remains significant. ...
  • Soloviov, Oleksii; Соловйов, Олексій Станіславович; Trotska, Maryna; Троцька, Марина Василівна; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович (Warsaw: ALUNA Publishing House, 2020)
    The aim: To investigate the legal basis for natural environmental protection as an integral environmental health component. Materials and methods: In this work we study statutory regulations and scientific positions of ...
  • Davydova, Nataliya O.; Давидова, Наталія Олександрівна (Informatologia, 2022)
    The article is devoted to the search and practical analysis of the legal regulation of the provision of information services in the field of access to public information (open data). Under informatization, the ...
  • Teremetskyi, Vladyslav; Loiko, Valeriia; Butenko, Andriy; Serohina, Svitlana; Sukhomlyn, Viktor; Теремецький, Владислав Іванович (Journal of the University of Zulia, 2022-12-29)
    The purpose of the article is the formation of methodological recommendations, an algorithm for determining the level of an educational institution’s information ecosystem and the identification of the essence ...
  • Rudenko, Lyudmila; Руденко, Людмила Дмитрівна; Derevyanko, Bogdan; Деревянко, Богдан Володимирович (Запоріжжя: Запорізький національний університет, 2021)
    The article examines the grounds, the procedure for liquidating a multiapartment building co-owner association (MABCOA) under the court decision. The strategic (the need to adapt national law to EU law) and regulatory ...

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